WANT TO STOP WINGING IT WITH YOUR FACEBOOK ADS? LEARN HOW TO SET AN AD CAMPAIGN LIKE A PRO ( so you don't have to lie down in a dark room with a flannel on your forehead when you see your results)

Join the FREE “Build Your Ad Campaign Like A Pro” Challenge

Join the 4-Day Challenge LIVE on 29th April – 2nd May 2024

Ever find yourself thinking…

“Am I in over my head with Facebook ads?” 

Between balancing client or business goal expectations…

Lack of patience for results…

Scratching your head over why an ad works one day and then suddenly absolutely nothing seems to be happening.

And publishing ads with fingers and toes crossed hoping the ad account doesn’t suddenly get banned.

It’s enough to make you want to lie down in a dark room with a flannel on your forehead.

But it doesn’t have to be like that.

Emma Van Heusen



Facebook and Instagram ads are hands down the fastest way to scale a business. Whether you’re looking for leads or sales, if you crack the code to how to build ads like a pro, you can be list building and selling in your sleep.
More and more Social Media Managers are offering Facebook and Instagram Ads as a service because so many businesses want them. Not only are they making more money, but they’re also working less – bye bye scheduling and relentless engagement!
The platform is getting more sophisticated month on month, which means that if you know how to make the most of Ads Manager and build campaigns that spin like a well-oiled machine, the revenue will just keep on coming


If you want to know how to make more money with Facebook and Instagram ads and know how to run them like a pro, this challenge is for you.

This isn’t a class full of fluff for an hour where I give
you my life story and then offer you one measly
pearl of wisdom



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Grab a notepad, wine, coffee or some weird green drink that tastes disgusting but is REALLY good for you and you’ll learn:


29th April - The number 1 mistake I see people making the minute they crack open Ads Manager which means their campaign is doomed to failure from the get-go

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30th April - How to get your ads in front of the right people so you can maximise your adspend instead of just lining Zuck’s pockets

number-3 (1)

1st May - The psychology behind great copy and creative that makes it so scroll-stoppingly good that leads and sales just keep on coming


2nd May - How to use this skill to grow your business to consistent £5k+ months whether you’re a Social Media Manager, Coach or Online Business Owner

I’ll be sharing some of the teachings from my gold standard programme

Laura Ball
Copy of Jo Williams
Screenshot 2019-12-18 at 08.22.37
too many leads! testimonial
Louise Keher
Screenshot 2022-01-24 at 09.53.50

Meet Your Host...

Hi! I’m Emma, an Agency Owner, Best-Selling Author and a Facebook Ads and Business Coach. I teach Social Media Managers, Coaches and Entrepreneurs how to run Facebook Ads so that they can make consistent £5k+ months.

I’ve been taught by Facebook’s Global Strategy Team and have also gone on to train with some of the top marketers in the World, so it’s fair to say I know my shizzle!

Having these skills enabled me to grow a thriving multiple 6-figure business in less than 9 months from being £20k in debt and my mission is to help others do the same.

As a single Mum, I know how important it is to have financial freedom and my commitment to this has taken me from nothing to Necker Island to mastermind with Sir Richard Branson.

Here he is teaching my son to play chess!

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Because of my teachings, thousands of women have been able to build a business with consistent £5k+ around family life

No more being knee-deep in scheduling with lowball clients

No more hustling for clients who don’t value your worth

No more spending money on Facebook Ads that don’t convert

No more lurching from month-to-month with no clear pathway to making consistent income

Are you ready to learn how to run Facebook and Instagram Ads like a pro, so you can start living the lifestyle that you desire?

I’ll be sharing how I get results like this

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